Wait, it’s been more than a year!!
Monday: Today was a grand adventure into the land of the dinosaurs! Nathan, Alice, and I went to the Dinosaur Museum in Katsuyama. Having an archaeologist in the group is a very good idea.
Before you reach the museum, you can experience what it might be like to have a T-rex coming after you under the open sky. It may be unnerving, especially seeing as he appears taller than the mountains.
Guarding the parking lot is this mosaic dinosaur, who looks a little old.
The museum is a silver dino-egg dome,
so the inside is, naturally, round. From the second floor.
I liked the fossils,
and the moving dinosaurs.
I faced off against this one. We came to a mutual understanding.
Apparently many bones have been found in the Katsuyama area (perhaps the largest fossil site in Japan), and since they’ve discovered 3, possibly 4 new dinosaurs, these dinosaurs get named Fukui~. Here we have the Fukuisaurus,
the Fukuiraptor,
and what may be the Fukuititan but since these are all the pieces they’ve found they may be jumping the gun:
There were lots of pretty rocks,
some skulls to climb through,
an old fish from the USA,
and possibly the best dino timeline ever created in 3D.
Then there were fossils with wings,
and a beautiful rendition.
For lunch we ate real high-class hamburgers I forgot to photograph, then we dropped by Fukui for Alice’s classes. I got to meet a student who actually speaks English (or tries) and studies every day. Nathan and I walked the neighborhood while we waited. We didn’t find anything exciting but the weather was really nice.
It’s spring!! Almost.
Tuesday: It rained. I went to the post office and mailed a heavy package. I went shopping. I made food.
Wednesday: I walked to the post office for errands, did tkd, and in evening classes I had Jonathan take the floor for part of it. He seems to be getting used to the job.
After that we both went to Miki’s class. It was nice having another person there for when I couldn’t think of a word, but it was kind of sad realizing it was the end of weekly chats with Miki.
Thursday: I went to karaoke. Then we had the teacher’s meeting and demo lesson. The demo lesson was hilarious although, and we all admitted, thoroughly mean to Jonathan. Actually we were not the worst class. Each of us did a pretty good job of imitating several of our most annoying students and making Jonathan’s demo lesson as difficult as possible (without running around or chatting with each other or yelling or hitting things or spitting or drawing pictures or—). Luckily it was funny enough not to be too mean. I think he forgave us. It was… really… funny….
In a vengeful sort of way.
I had lunch twice because I went to okonomiyaki with people.
Friday: It’s the first day of Spring! And it’s a holiday in Japan. Mako, Kaori, and I did yoga, then we got together to make burritos.
Alice joined us later and we made crepes. It was so fun! And delicious!
Then Kaori freaked Alice out with a picture of a spider, and Alice told us a story of how once she killed a spider by setting it on fire.
Saturday: I still hate Saturdays. Even though I have two classes I really like. But it’s ok. It’s almost over.
Also the sunset was gorgeous but it’s hard to take a picture while driving.
Sunday: I had a demo lesson in the morning. It was pretty fun because I knew one of the girls from one of my schools. Kaori and I walked by the river, where they have put up the lanterns and koi-nobori again.
Everything is becoming like it was when I arrived. It’s strange.
That night we had a welcome/farewell party for Jonathan, me, and Tomoe. It was a karaoke party! So I had a lot of fun. Although I got really thirsty because every time they ordered, I happened to be singing. I sang a lot. And ate a lot. I am satisfied.
Here’s to one exciting year behind me and another before.
Recent Japanese:
kaseki (化石) = fossil
inseki (隕石) = meteorite
sanjyouki (三畳紀) = Triassic
juraki (ジュラ紀) = Jurrasic
hakuaki (白亜紀) = Cretaceous
shoseidai, chuuseidai, shinseidai (小生代、中生代,新生代) = paleozoic (old life era), mesozoic (middle life), cenozoic (recent life)
tsuno (角) = horn
tairyoku (体力) = endurance