Sabae, my home for a year. This is how I left it, wandering the riverside for the last time.
After much frantic packing and goodbyes and anticipation, it was time to fly home.
Yup. Seen that before.
Korean Air was comfortable and they let me ride with my extra and oversized baggage. I love Korean Air.
My whole family picked me up from the airport and it was a time full of hugs. I was treated to a delicious welcome-home dinner, and when I got back to my house there were more hugs.
Family and friends gathered for a welcome-home party, and I looked at all the faces around me, so familiar, yet still a little distant. It's ok, it passed.
Since then, I've gone back to Taekwon-do,
searched for meteors;
launched rockets in the salt flats and swam in the Great Salt Lake;
attended a Taekwon-do camp, where around the campfire (with my sister's help) I performed Sakura;
and hiked our beautiful Utah mountains.
I'm so happy to be home. I love it here. But I'm planning on going back to Japan in a few years, and I better not forget all of my Japanese!
Recent Japanese:
uchiakeru (打ち明ける) = to speak your mind