Saturday, February 8, 2014

January 22-31 (Wed-Fri) - We Will Survive, or I’m Still Alive p2

After Dad, life returned to normal. Or as normal as it is around here, where so much happens I can’t remember any of it. 

Wednesday-Friday: Since I can’t remember anything particular, here’s a picture of a deformed tomato.

Saturday: After my regular classes, I had an extra demo class with two adorable little boys. They were all the more adorable because they wanted to learn and play games. Then that evening Alice and I went to the mall and ate this Korean food:

Then we watched a movie at my kotatsu :) We watched Frozen. It was cute. I laughed. It’s fun watching a movie with someone.
Miss you, Dad.

Sunday: Today, I went snowboarding for the first time in my life. I was dreading it horribly. Two things I fear as much as tornados and bugs in my ear: heights (more specifically, going down them), and not being able to move freely. Just the thought of strapping my legs together was about as much as I could bare. However, it wasn’t bad at all. In fact, observing the one member of our group who chose to try skiing, I think snowboarding is much easier on the beginner, because it’s very easy to sit/fall-down and very easy to get back up. It does kill the knees though. Here I am my first round, cheerily making friends with the snow!

The first run was really long but it got better, thanks to help from Mako and her sister. There were so many people, more often I was worried of being run over than anything else ^^

It worked out well. The only thing I didn’t like, aside from the biting cold :p was that the place had announcements going all the time, interspersed with pop music. Horror. The speakers are not synced to account for distance, so if you are between them you get a horrible echo effect. Horror. Hard to enjoy the beauty of nature. Seems… really… Japanese. Not that I ever generalize. 

We were all exhausted at the end, but it was fun, we survived, and I’m glad we got to do that. Before Hugh injured himself. (Writing two weeks from the future.)

Monday: I had koto lesson today, and liked how the dandan-batake look in the snow:

Tuesday-Friday: This is what I get for falling behind. Big. Gaps. In. Memory. 
Oh, Hugh and Nathan and I tried putting our classes together for a test and movie night. It worked out pretty well. We’re watching My Neighbor Totoro (Tonari no Totoro) in English. I’ve never seen it, despite it being the most famous and earliest of Ghibli films. 
And during Miki’s class, we talked about French, since she is going to Paris, and she thought the language sounds like spells. (At least my Japanese app has word lists. Memory returns.)

Recent Japanese:
yaruki (やる気) = willingness to do something
uwagaki (上書き) = overwrite
haragurio (腹黒い) = mean, malicious, lit. black stomached
hokenshitsu (保健室) = school infirmary
kusu[no ki] () = camphor tree
shinkoku (深刻) = serious
jumon (呪文) = spell, charm


  1. After Dad… so, 1 AD?
    Did you notice the tomato looks a little like a turkey with hair?
    What kind of injury did Hugh have? I hope he's better.
    Snowboarding, hum- Falling over (and for me, very hard to get back up!), noisy announcements (that reminds me of some Sabae restaurant we went to with you- an all you can eat place), and bad music- not to mention someone getting injured (how is Hugh now?). Maybe not charming, but character building for sure!

    1. Hahaha -- now the tomato makes me laugh :)

      Hugh dislocated his knee in judo and mostly has to use crutches and take pain pills. It shouldn't be too long to recover but knees are so delicate...

      I enjoyed the snowboarding experience, I wouldn't go by myself but with friends it's fun. And I realized I hadn't been skiing in maybe 6 years... so fun memories (なつかしい)

    2. I think it looks more like a raw heart with a green tentacle monster crawling out of it.

  2. If you can't remember what happened, then it must have been pretty relaxed. Explosions usually stick in your memory.

    1. Unless there is one after another so all you remember is there probably were some but since there were so many you don't know how many and they all blend together with all the ones from the past so the result is no memories.
