Saturday, June 1, 2013

May 27 - June 1 (Mon-Sat) - Slow and steady

This is officially the longest I’ve been away from home.
Yes I’m homesick.

Monday: TKD, lesson planning, work.
Tuesday: Classes, afternoon off (scanned receipts), evening classes.
Wednesday: Morning classes at Itou were fun. Afternoon classes at Kawada went pretty well, considering the teacher couldn’t join me for the first class so I was going solo. But she was a big help in class 2 so that was ok. Evening classes went really well. Then I had my class with Miki, right before she goes to Austria to meet with friends she met while in Berlin. Isn’t it cool they can communicate by speaking English?
Thursday: I had classes and stuff. It was beautiful and rainy. Look who comes out to play.

Friday: Fun classes. Meeting. Learned a little about the business classes — that is, English classes at a business — I will be teaching *sigh* (the other teachers dread these classes so I don’t look forward to it). Danced the night away (for a couple hours anyway). 
Saturday: Lovely. Fields of gold.

And a maccha chocolate bar.
Meandering my way home from errands, I passed a temple with this lovely bell.

I spend the evening at Kaori’s, where I ate spicy fries with ketchup-mayonnaise (I said I’ve never tried it but it just now occurs to me this is fry sauce, albeit Japanese-style), and natto with rice. The first and last time I tried natto it was to me akin to the smell of vomit. However, this stuff was quite different and actually quite tasty. 

Tomorrow we shall explore the coast!!

Recent words:
ganjitsu (元日) = New Year’s Day
bimyou = subtle, complicated, sensitive
nuru = to color (in)
~gari = always~ (samugari = a person who is always cold; tabetagari = a person who always wants to eat / who wants to eat everything)
jidouhanbaiki (自動販売機) = vending machine (hanbaiki for short) - lit. self-moving merchandise-selling machine
oomoji (大文字) = uppercase letters
komoji (小文字) = lowercase letters
hitosara = one plate (e.g. kaiten-sushi is 105¥ 一皿)
hasamaru = to be caught (like by a seatbelt)
hakushu (拍手) = to clap


  1. Just try to keep hanging out and having fun with your friends there. It should help with the homesickness :)

    Why do the other teachers dread business classes? I would imagine the pupils would at least be polite, willing, and eager to learn. Can't say that for a lot of school children...

    Is the macha chocolate bar the pink part or the green part? Or does the pink part come inside the green part? Japanese candy is so confusing...

    Is their fry sauce any different from ours? And what did this good natto actually taste like?

    1. PINK?
      What colors are your monitor showing?

      Natto tastes like natto :p

    2. All of them, I hope, but the part in the middle is definitely pink! Or did you not watch that video your dad sent out last week? :p

      But if you hated natto before and didn't mind it now, something must be different about the natto. Or you. Don't tell me you're turning into a Japanese person!

  2. I bet you enjoyed having the rain again to cool you off.

    Miki must be very glad to have had your help to polish her English before her trip. Good job both of you! (Aber nicht ist deutsches besseres? - that is for Berlin and Austria anyway!)

    Is that the ballroom dancing that you danced away the night? Sounds fun!

    Great to see treasures like that bell tower and the fields of gold (weren't they fields of water just a little while ago?
