Tuesday, September 17, 2013

August 26 - September 1 (Mon-Sun) - I’m sure I was very busy

Monday: Taekwon-do, koto lessons, work work work.
Tuesday: Worked today. Had 3 hours with the rice businessman, but this time was actually quite easy. We went through 2 chapters and I brought plenty to talk about, and it went quite naturally. Evening classes.
I ate raspberry pino. 

A note on ice cream in Japan — there are 3 types:
 アイスクリーム = ice cream, the good stuff
ラクトアイス = lacto ice, pretty good
アイスミルク = ice milk, a watery variety
Thanks to this blog post, or I never would have been able to solve the mystery.

Unfortunately pino are ‘ice milk’, but they’re just fun to eat.

Wednesday: Classes. A good class with Miki. She makes me laugh.
Thursday: Classes. 
Most of the rice is being harvested. It’s kind of sad because it doesn’t look pretty anymore.

Friday: In the morning I had a class with a college student. He didn’t talk much on his own so I had to work to keep the conversation up — he likes reading sci-fi and fantasy even, but he just wasn’t flying with the conversation, so it was kind of tiring. Oh well though.
Meeting. And the rice guy brought all us teachers presents! Brown-rice-made donuts, bread, fake-meat, cookies, and noodles. The donut was pretty good (though just bread --er, bread-y), 

the fake meat is tasty (though doesn’t taste like meat), and I’ve yet to try the others.

Saturday: Classes. I don’t like Saturdays. But I love my last class of the day. Best. Class. Ever.
Sadly today I had to do a demo lesson. Luckily she was 3 years old and really cute. Sadly (maybe) I don’t think there’s a class that works for her. She could do a private lesson — then that probably means more work for me. Happily she’s cute so I guess it would be ok. 

Sunday: Zumba. Yoga. For lunch we did fajita-tacos and they were delicious. Then we went to a cafe to study for a bit, then split for the rest of the evening. Kaori and I did some shopping then chatted for a while. That’s it for today folks.

Recent Japanese:
kiichigo = raspberry (lit. tree-strawberry)
gamantsuyoi = patient
mouchou = appendix
(ofuro ni) oyu o tamete = lit. ‘collect hot water’, however, we would say ‘fill up the bathtub’
kiji = textile, cloth, material


  1. That stuff about the ice cream is interesting! But I am glad we don't need that distinction here.
    Fake meat? But no picture? Really?

    1. It's ok -- don't panic, I still have mine; I can get you a picture. It looks like taco meat.
      The ice cream is just one of those things you would never know.
      Like the correct term is 'collecting' hot water for a bath.
      Or that real cheese is hard to come buy.
      Or that the DMV here is pretty much like the one at home.
      It is my duty to bring you trivia like this.
