Or I just really wanted to get a picture of my funny socks with the railway tracks.
I slept in, then forwent breakfast and walked to the park. Most leaves had fallen, but there were still some beautiful colors.
They were preparing the bushes and trees for the expected pounds of snow.
These rope-trees may be called yukigakoi (雪囲), lit. snow enclosures.
It’s also decorated for Christmas.
Then, quite unexpectedly — for I have walked this park perhaps a dozen times — I found a new area. Completely new. Walked past it and never noticed. There’s a cute little stream and everything.
Maybe because it’s on the other side of the hill, the leaves here were the most beautiful. Being on the trees still... for the most part.
It was simply gorgeous. I even found a rose.
When I left, I happened to find this lovely pale splash of color...
...followed by this spindly tree.
How can a day start this great and not be great?
After practicing some Taekwon-do, and finally eating lunch, I did hitokara for 3 hours. That’s right. 3 hours. Next time I try 4.
It was a beautiful day of rest.
Tuesday: “What do you want to be?” Maybe a singer. Maybe a doctor. Maybe a comedian... or a farmer... or a bus driver?
Wednesday: I’m starting to know students’ names at Kawada. It helps they all wear their name-tags (nafuda) every time. And I guess it has been about 8 months. But considering I have more than 300 students, I’m surprised.
I saw Miki for the first time in a few weeks. She was in America — again! For her 7th or 8th visit to New York.
Thursday: The war between girls and boys at Yanagi has ended. Thank you Lord. I think it’s because they were united for a common cause, a performance where they put on Shiroyuki Hime (lit. white-snow princess). I wish I could’ve seen it.
Friday: I can’t believe it’s December with colors so beautiful.
Saturday: This image isn’t as pretty.
I told Rich I’d never seen it... so now I have. Anime-faced models. They’re just kind of creepy.
This evening I boldly went where no man has gone before... and made yakisoba with apples.
Sunday: Short and sweet. Yoga, work, shopping, nabe with friends. We ate cake. And played with a stuffed animal.
We've stopped doing zumba, as students are studying every Saturday and Sunday at the office. They have tests this time of year, and entrance exams sometime soon as well. Some girls are here almost all the time. Makes me tired just looking at them.
This was a lovely week. Get ready for winter.
Recent Japanese:
shoumikigen (賞味期限) = best if eaten by [date]
tansuikabutsu (炭水化物) = carbohydrate
meibutsu (名物) = famous product, speciality (of the area)
bousui (防水) = waterproof; bouon (防音) = soundproof
yokin (預金) = deposit, bank account
surikizu (擦り傷) = scratch, graze
kobosu (零す) = to spill
samayou (彷徨う) = loiter, putter, prowl, roam about
tadoritsuku (たどり着く) = struggle on to, arrive somewhere after a struggle, barely manage to reach, finally arrive at
afureru (溢れる) = to overflow
iroaseru (色褪せる) = fade, grow stale, grow dull
kasaneru (重ねる) = to pile up, to add, repeat
jishuteki (自主的) = independent, autonomous
haguki (歯茎) = gums (teeth)
fuchi (縁) = rim, brim, edge (of a glass)
tsujitsuma (辻褄) = coherence
I can't believe it took you over 8 months. But I do feel vindicated.
ReplyDeleteSo how was yakisoba with apples? Doesn't sound too great...
ReplyDeleteActually, it was really, really good :)
ReplyDeleteI love cooked apples, so it sounds better to me than the original! What beautiful fall colors. With any luck, the snow won't stick for you this year!
ReplyDeleteIt's very impressive your remembering names, especially as seldom as you see these kids! (how often is it, by the way?) ; )
ReplyDeleteIt varies by school. Something like 20-25 times, twice a month or more, depending.