Friday, April 26, 2013

Day 44, April 26 (Fri)

No elementary school classes today, just a day of freedom... chained to my computer........

It drizzled in the morning, as I walked among rice fields,

and in the afternoon I met the torrential rains. It was cloudy, but pleasant, when suddenly there was a loud BOOOM and huge drops began to furiously pound. 2 minutes later, it stopped. This happened on and off until evening, when it rained and thundered non-stop. 

The sakura is almost gone, but other trees are blooming.

For lunch I had a 'bacon cheese' bread. Kind of. These kinds of breads are common in the bakeries, not much meat, mostly bread, but it was fresh.

Home-made chicken wings:

This weekend marks the start of Golden Week (kind of -- it actually starts on Monday). 

Did you know, it's a common belief that the average body temperature of Japanese (or Asian) people is lower than that of westerners? Whether this is true or not, I don't know. Google wasn't very helpful. A teacher here did remark every time he's gone to the doctor here they think he has a fever. 


  1. Fascinating how we're all different. Why not have different temperatures in different races?

    If I hadn't just eaten, your homemade chicken wings would make me very hungry. Yummy!

    What are your plans for Golden Week? Love you much, Mama

    1. I have no real plans for Golden Week. But people might do stuff then I will do stuff with them.

  2. Those chicken wings look.... really yummy!
