Monday, December 31, 2012

Day 17 - Dec 31 - 40 meter drop

Today we flew through the trees.
Today we crossed bridges and climbed ladders.
Today we wore bonnet things to go under our helmets.

The car was supposed to pick us up at 9:00, but we didn't start till 9:30. We had a pretty drive in the hills and around corners. Over the few weeks we have noticed that the cars honk while going around sharp corners to let other cars know they are coming. It's comforting to know that even though you come very close to cars head on, the drivers here are careful.

We have had several zip line experiences so this one had many things to live up to. It started out well with cute little bonnet things to go under the helmets, and easy harnesses, but there was a lot of waiting around. However, it wasn't that bad waiting. It was fun watching, and taking pictures, of our family zipping through the air!

We also got a pleasant surprise in that it was a little different experience because mixed in with the zip lines were little obstacle courses and sheer drops. We got to walk on bridges and platforms, beams, and logs, and we got to fall straight down off the platforms. Honestly the best part of the adventure was hearing people scream. Myra got first place in the screaming contest followed by Ani. Mia got last because the most of a scream she ever had was a little squeak. There were four drop-off stations we went down, and the last one was 40 meters tall, which is around 130 ft! It was very tall. Over all we had a good time, and it ended with a nature walk back, lunch, and a free t-shirt.

On the drive back to our hotel we stopped at the fresh market where our driver showed us around and we saw a bunch of strange things.

This resort is the best place to celebrate the last day of the year. We can see the flying lanterns go across the sky, there are two trees with glowing lanterns, and the river reflected normal lights into beautiful streaks across the water. For a grand finale our neighbors set off streamers, sparklers, and a Big Bang. It was a wonderful New Year's Eve that frankly reminded me of Independence Day.

Goodbye 2012!

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